PureNano is reaching its final stage! PureNano consortium gathered together at Politecnico di Milano premises in a two-day meeting in Milan, Italy, on the 3rd and 4th of October, under the context of the final consortium meeting before the end of the project in November 2022. The final phase of the project focuses on the validation and demonstration activities and the further optimization of the purification processes installed in the facilities of GASER and Creative Nano.
The PureNano treatment lines were successfully integrated into the plating systems of the two industrial partners. The spent baths coming from electroless and elecreoplating processes were treated to check the efficiency of the PureNano technology, obtaining promising results.
Besides the technical activities, the work performed in WP7, WP8 & WP9 is still ongoing and will be accomplished by the end of the project with the release of the standardization activities plan, the LCA/LCC analysis report and the final plan for dissemination and exploitation.
Report of the first day of the meeting
The 1st day included a first overview of the project status by the project coordinator Prof. Luca Magagnin and presentations from the partners involved in technical activities. Each WP leader presented updates on the latest achievements, which included an overview of the successful integration of the purification system in the pilot lines, and MNPs functionalization. Once this first part of the meeting was completed, the partners joined a tour visit to Technochimica and Gaser Premises in Milan area.

Tour of Tecnochimica's Premises
The tour started with a visit to the Tecnochimica premises in Milan. Mr Emanuele Grillo, the technical manager of Tecnochimica, brought the partners through the facilities showing the equipment and providing a well-detailed explanation of the operational and technical aspects of Technochimica´s business.

Tour of Gaser's Premises
The tour ended with a visit to GASER facilities. Mr Alessio Carminati, the R&D manager, exhibited the successful integration of the PureNano purification system in their premises, with a detailed explanation of how the systems work in their line.

Report of the second day of the meeting
The second day of the meeting was dedicated to the last WPs presentations. WP8 and WP9 leaders provided updates on the LCA/LCC Analysis and the Exploitation and Dissemination Activities, giving some inputs for further discussion.
Circularity Workshop and Training Activity in Milan
Besides the consortium meeting, on the 4th of October, two workshops were organized in the framework of the training activities foreseen in WP7. The first workshop covered the circular economy topic applied to the Purenano technology. The second workshop provided an overview of the integration of PureNano technology for wastewater treatment in the plating industry. Stakeholders were invited to attend the workshops to rise their awareness about the topics.
Circularity Workshop by AXIA innovation
Project Manager Cristina Onorato from AXIA Innovation highlighted the importance of the transition to the circular economy in the plating industry, providing some inputs on how to achieve this objective. She presented the waste minimization approach applied to the PureNano facilities remarking how this method together with the PureNano technology can support the transition. In the second part of the presentation, she described the main Circular Business Models applied to the PureNano user cases.
“NanoFluid integration in wastewater treatment in the plating industry” training by PoliMi.
In the second training, Prof Luca Magagnin from PoliMi provided some information about the main aspects of the PureNano technology and details about the application for wastewater treatment in the electroplating industry. The PureNano project coordinator presented the main benefits and insight of the PureNano technology to stakeholders in a 1-hour session.
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